Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Pep Talk

Day 33

Silence emanated from the school's theater today. I suppose that's what happens when a master's at work.

World-renowned chef Jacques Pepin demoed basic culinary skills to a full house, and the crowd watched in awe. There weren't many questions—not because onlookers knew everything, I imagine, but because they were fascinated by his presence. I know I was.

He made flowers from butter and tomato skin, deboned an entire chicken barely using his knife, and completed what will be our Level 2 practical in something like three minutes. (The practical entails filleting a fish and quartering a chicken in a half-hour; our class was told many don't finish.) I had to keep reminding myself how long I've been doing this compared to his experience.

Chef Pepin's knowledge, teaching skills and ability to capture the attention of everyone in the room reminded me so much of my class' current chef, who was also in Level 1 with us. I feel very fortunate to have had such a great instructor, and I know he'll be greatly missed when we head to Level 3.

But I'm not going to think about that right now (tear). We still have another week with him.

In class today, we prepared striped bass over lentils. I wasn't a huge fan of the dish, but it allowed me to practice my filleting skills, which I desperately need to improve. Minced flounder won't get me an "A" on my practical.

If only I could get a private lesson with chef Pepin...


  1. If you get a private lesson with Chef Pepin...count me in on that one too! My dream forever was having a lesson from his best friend Julie Child, who I grew up watching from early childhood on the PBS channel. I am sure he misses her very much! BTW- cute picture of both of you posted above! :)

  2. Thanks. :) I'm so happy I had the opportunity to meet him and watch him work. I wish you could have been there with me.
