Friday, October 15, 2010

Middle of the Road

Days 59 and 60

I'm still M.I.A. For good reason.

Today was my midterm. Yes, I said that right—MIDTERM. That means I'm exactly halfway through culinary school. It's hard to believe.

For the big test, we had to draw a letter/number combination from a hat, which corresponded to a two-dish combination we had to make in a set amount of time. I drew the Nicoise salad and pork chops; the other possible combo was the grilled salmon and apple tart. (FYI: We didn't know what four dishes the chef would select for the exam.)

Before we prepared the dishes, we were allowed 10 minutes to write down notes about the recipes on a blank sheet of paper. It was to be our only form of reference during the cooking process. I scribbled furiously. Thankfully, a number of years of reporting helped me develop my own shorthand.

I have to say it was a bit overwhelming—OK, it was very overwhelming. I was so concerned about getting the dishes done in time that my execution wasn't top-notch. All in all, I don't feel the midterm was my best work. However, I can at least say that I finished on time and produced two complete dishes. Hopefully, chef realizes that I can do better. I know I can.

Either way, I'm halfway there. I'm livin' on a prayer.


  1. Congrats on halfway!

    I've been following your journey but had to comment because you just gave me a total flashback to First Run and being a sweaty mess dancing on Thursday nights. 80's night, of course!

    Hope you aced your midterms!

  2. Good times! :) Thanks for the encouragement!

  3. C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S.......on your halfway point.....I cannot believe that you are that far already.....where in heaven's did time go? Well I guess it reflects back on how time flew since the day I had you....the years keep flying by me like huge needs to slow down sometime or other. :) love you little chef!
